NEW PAGES WILL TELL OF CATS ADOPTED AND RESCUED. The cats came from shelters or "showed up" living on their own in neighborhoods having been dumped or after escape from cruelty. These animals have lived in a good home for several years since rescue and each has a story to tell.
Molly is a gray blue cat with very soft fur...adopted 3 years ago after being lost or thrown out.
Click for a larger view.
Many people make good caretakers for pets. Unfortunately, many who take in pets, whether dogs, cats or other animals simply do not provide the care the animals need. The animal may have a home but later die because proper medical attention was not considered needed for an "animal" or the owners were not willing or able to pay for medical care. Females of both cats and dogs are often adopted then become pregnant because the owner cannot afford to spay the animal or simply refuses to pay for spaying. The female may then be dumped, taken to the shelter or worse. Babies are given away with little thought of the home awaiting them or are taken to shelters. In a worse case, babies are killed because they are not wanted and the mother is blamed for becoming pregnant.
WILL YOU BE A GOOD PET OWNER/CARETAKER? Read the short stories of the cats in upcoming pages and ask if you would be as willing to provide for the animals. Animals bred for pets do not survive well in the wild, regardless of the misconceptions of them being wild animals and capable in wild settings. A feral cat or dog will survive only a few short years and a domestic one dumped into the wild will die in a relatively short time of starvation, predation or disease.
I HOPE YOU ARE OR WILL BE A RESPONSIBLE PET CARETAKER. The situation is one of sharing and those who love domesticated animals will readily tell how much the animal provides in joy, comfort, companionship and simple fun. As this article is continued, short stories of particular rescued animals will be told, simple stories you may find very well worth reading.
Look for new stories on the tabs in the header of this web page.
The stories will tell of funny things, strange events and health issues faced and taken on. Happy stories are best and most of the upcoming stories will be happy ones. I will tell of ghostly cats and a cat who was a genius in geometric designs. You will also read of hydration for cats with kidney failure and radio iodine treatment for cats with overactive thyroid glands. You will also learn how the very, very biggest was the most gentle and quiet of all..with heart of love.
The stories will be published as pages, a method used in blogs to tell continuing and connected articles. To publish as daily posts always puts the most recent story at the top. That is good for daily postings but for a continued article everything is backwards, last to first. So, to keep it in order, tabs will be in the page header for the cat stories so you may easily choose which to read.
I may solicit your story? Do you want to tell readers about your rescued pet? Email that to me and I will get back with you about using it. I am still thinking how this might work out. If you want, I can edit and rewrite your story for you. Stories will need to be no longer than the post you are now reading. (My MS Word says this is about 600 words. Do not worry about the exact length but please try to stay close.)
Now, I am off to do other business and hope you will find the upcoming pages on rescued animals to be worth reading and passing on to others. Sincerely, Thomas Haynes..