Winter almost did not happen here this year. It slipped in for a few cold days and a taste of snow flakes then skipped away with a smile and spring on its heels. All the trees and plants are telling us it really is spring time. This is the time of new life and beauty when nature takes off the winter garb and steps out in fresh spring fashion. For spring fragrances, it is the sweet and familiar smell of the hyacinths. Sensitive noses take note, as nice as is the fragrance, it is quite powerful and one in the home may be too much for anyone sensitive to aroma. I enjoy a whiff of the sweet fragrance but do not keep a hyacinth in my room. Growing free in the flower bed is my best choice. This blue hyacinth has been given a special artistic touch in the photograph.
Blue Hyacinth, survived the recent rain and hail
A dependable and favorite of this time of the year is the Eastern Redbud tree. This would be a perfect tree for Valentine's Day...but we all know the timing is off for that. Let's make it a tree for love in general and a signal of the new life around us. Do you like that idea? Personally, I like it better than the Bradford Pear trees which even if pretty have unfortunately been over planted as architectural elements.
Redbud is also my top choice of an Easter tree. New life, love and transformation are symbolized in the new buds and the heart shaped leaves. The events of Easter are symbolic to Christians of the transformation of Christ and the promise of a new life to come, all based in the love of the Creator for mankind.
In the photo do you see the transformation hiding in open sight? The cocoon is an example of amazing metamorphosis we may personally watch. If the cocoon on the branch has not been robbed, quite soon a moth will emerge. Who knows when that will happen and will anyone be there to see? I have not identified the cocoon; if for a bag-worm moth, people will not think the new moth is very pretty. Regardless of its looks, the transformation is one of the remarkable events of creation.
New life and a metamorphosis...
. Click image for larger view