Thursday, January 17, 2013

What is happening with Alpha House, transitional home for women in Tennessee?

Unfortunately, Alpha House is currently closed due to lack of funding. Efforts are being made to reopen. A new board of directors is in place. We will report as good news emerges. August 26, 2016

Like fledglings from the nest, transition to a straight life is not easy.Wings must become strong and directions clear. Alpha House does its part for women coming out of incarceration.

 Each resident tells her personal story to all on the day she 
graduates and returns to living on her own.

Support from volunteers, friends, family and others with loving hearts
 is apparent at each graduation event.

A post in the blog dated 9/8/2013 contained this line:  Alpha House is now closed and the current residents will be the last.  Without increased and regular funding, this will be the last year.  That statement was totally true and for a while work to secure funding mixed with faith and prayers for effective efforts was in itself a work of faith with no assurances of the future.  The home was given up to its owner and the search for a new home was in earnest.

A new nest was needed and was found. 

 Families are reunited with a new hope for the future

 Love flows in abundance

As of January 2013 there is an new residence for Alpha House. A smaller house was located, freshened  and fixed up to suit the needs of a group home.  At this time, the chain of assistance to ladies in transition from incarceration has not been broken during the trying transition from one home to finding and occupying the new one.  Women in the program graduated as fledglings from the nest into their own lives again.  One lady would not complete the program until January 12, 2013 and special living and learning arrangements were provided for her I attended her send-off, graduation, celebration of accomplishment at the new residence and also met the first lady to begin the program at the new home.  One fledgling has left the nest and a resident is now moved in, learning the social, everyday life business and work skills needed to adapt to a new straight life. When she flies the nest, we pray she will make it.  Currently there is room for 3 more residents and those spots will likely be filled soon.  

Alpha house is looking for regular and committed monthly donations from individuals.  They truly need commitment from business and organizations in larger amounts.  Support of this faith based transitional home is an ongoing effort and a base of dependable support is needed to avoid the crash experienced last fall.  The idea is not just to exist but to grow in service to ladies coming from the jails and prisons in transitional time.  I cannot speak for the board of Alpha House or for those running the operation daily. However, I do believe they are willing to speak with anyone who holds a key to improved funding.

Contact and Words from Graduates   Read what a few women who have completed the program have to say, straight from their hearts.

Alpha House Website 


I speak my own words and experiences and in no way am an official spokesperson for Alpha House, the faith based transitionalhome in Tennessee.  This blog post is written to educate, inform and hopefully bring financial and prayerful support to the program.  