Saturday, August 31, 2013

Tell Us..Do You Want Pet and Animal Photography? Please Comment or Email

 to be a larger part of Thomas Haynes Photography?

We are thinking seriously of going more into the pet and animal direction but in this economy, change is risky even if seen as needed...and advertising is costly. PLEASE EMAIL OR COMMENT TO THIS POST AND LET US KNOW WHAT YOU THINK. If you comment and want it private, say so and it will stay private, guaranteed from our end.  Sure, if you want to talk over doing some really nice photos of your animals with you or your family, get with us by email and we will get right back. We work out of Clinton in the greater Knoxville, Tennessee area.

As with that and other business photography work, we will move the business content of our work to the commercial sister site of Thomas Haynes Photography:  Thomas Haynes Photoshoot

The following images are from personal shots, not purchased or sold.These are not portfilio images and are here to get you attention..and we think they do deserve a look. Photos for clients are discussed beforehand so we get  photos closest to everyday life in the relationships with your animals or pets.

Dogs ready for a 5k at Buddy's Race Against Cancer, fall 2012, Thomas Haynes Photography
 Dogs ready for a 5k at Buddy's Race Against Cancer, fall 2012,Thomas Haynes Photography

two high class mules at blue grass festival,thomas haynes photo
 Two high class mules at blue grass festival,thomas haynes photo. They won at mule showings.
Bernnie, local male cat, Thoms Haynes photo
 Bernnie, local male cat, Thoms Haynes photo
Molly, wonderfulderful girl kittie, passed at age 4, too, too young.
Molly, wonderful  girl kittie, passed at age 4, too, too young. Thoms Haynes photo

We have done family and pet photography in natural settings of animals with the people, life for them as it is and not staged.  This has been well received but do we need to advertise this part of the business?  Not everyone is willing to have professional photos done of their animals...and the animals interacting with them as a family activity, which it is.   This is photography for the person who truly wants more than they can photograph with the cell phone or point and shoot camera. And, these clients love their animals, whether cats, dogs, horses or more exotic creations.

More often than these sample photos show, the critters are in action doing what they love to do.  It is not easy photography but is a part of this work we love doing.

We need feedback on this one.  Please EMAIL OR COMMENT!    We will move this as with other business interest to the sister blog, ThomasHaynesPhotoshoot but published these thoughts here first for you to consider and let us know.  

Thanks so much for what you might have to say.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Gettysburg...reenactment of an horrendous Civil War Battle:Gettysburg, July 1-3, 1863 Introduction..more to come.

The "High Water Mark" signified the end of the devasting Pickett's Charge
Reenactment of the final event called Pickett's Charge
 To see even in reeactment the horrendous slaughter in the infamous Pickett's Charge
was heart rending. Overall, the reenactment can bring the spirit closer to 
those events of July, 1863.  It was for us an educational and emotional, heart
tugging event...because 150 years ago it all was real and men were
 becoming calualties in huge numbers. Actually, perhaps
 not so ill planned as some believe, many factors
 contributed to the defeat of
 Lee's army in the battle.

It is estimated between 46,000 and 53,000 were casualties at the Battle of Gettysburg.  Played out on the farmland and low hills surrounding Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, the actual battle could not possibly be replayed for the sake of history on those hallowed grounds.  The actual battlefield areas provide a memorable driving tour with many markers in memory of soldiers from several states.  During the reenactment dates is not a good time to tour the battlefield simply because it is too, too crowded and parking at the visitors center is best skipped and a shuttle taken from town.  A few days after the reenactment, parking is easy.
Gettysburg, reenactment of battle of 1863, cannon being fired.
The large fields provided better scale to the Gettysburg 150th reenactment.
If not on the battlefield, where is the reenactment done?  Local farms have provided the land, room enough for several thousand reenactors, somewhere betweeen 12,000 and 16,000 are numbers posted here and there.  A definite number will be found and this blog post revised as need be for accuracy. We stayed from Tuesday through Monday morning, July 2-8.   The reenactment played out July 4-7, one day added so an additional battle could be played out with the climatic conclusion of the long and devestating Confederate charge now known as Pickett's Charge.  

gettysburg 2013, reenactors fire Civil War cannon
 We counted over 100 cannon at the  Gettysburg battle event
As more time is given to writing and editing of a multitude of photographs, this post will expand and will eventually become a page so all will be kept in order, not the last to first pattern of blog posts. (A blog page is an article with a permanent link just below the header of the blog site. You will see tabs for pages at the top.)

The days were quite hot and all ended as it did in 1863...the rains came down right after the last shot.

More to come...check back.  Comments appreciated. Guest blogger will be considered.